So Now Who’s Richer? – Fired Up Friday: Week 63
January 8, 2018

So Now Who’s Richer? – Fired Up Friday

Want weekly emails on top personal growth tips and career resources?  Sign up for the Fired Up Friday Newsletter!  Below is a newsletter I sent out last Friday to give you a little taste of what you’re missing.  

Career Tip:

Who’s the Richer Person? I used to associate personal wealth with how much money someone was making in a year. Surely if Hank is making $100K in a year he is “richer” than Melinda who’s making $70K. Right? But what I never factored into wealth was time. How much time is Hank spending to make that $100K? Would you rather make $100K a year and work 60 hour weeks or make $70K a year working 30 hour weeks?

Using my elementary math skills, the Melinda is making more money per hour and has a better work-life balance. You see, our most precious asset is time, so it’s essential for you to find a career that doesn’t swallow all of yours up. You’re not going to remember those late nights at the office when this life is all said and done.

Life Hack:

Find Your Groove with the Productivity PlannerYou know those people that have a great job, volunteer at the local soup kitchen, are getting married this year and signed up for a marathon just for kicks? Don’t you wish you had one ounce of their productivity? Well, this productivity planner, gifted to me from my sister Alex, will be your first step in that direction. The planner will help you get focused, beat procrastination and get more productive daily.

Podcast to Check Out:

The Upgrade by Lifehacker. Once a week, Lifehacker brings you a podcast that “helps you tackle the stuff that matters.” You’ll learn things like how to start a side hustle, have better sex and even detect bull$hit. Each week there’s different guests and a new topic. Plenty for you to chew on. This episode on “How to be Less Stupid about Money” is a great place to start.

Book to Read:

Way of The Peaceful WarriorWritten by Dan Millman, this part fictional and part autobiographical book takes you into Dan’s life as a world renowned college athlete who goes on a journeys to test his mind, body and spirit. Guided by an old gas station attendant, nicknamed Socrates who you can think of as Mr. Miyagi, Dan is challenged time and time again on a quest to find a more peaceful and happy life. Shoutout to STL Member Thom Walters for the rec!

Quote of the Week:

“When you lose your mind, you’ll come to your senses” – Socrates in Way of The Peaceful Warrior

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