Since our first podcast together was met with critical acclaim, my Dad and I decided to bring back the father-son duo for Straddle The Line’s second podcast.
This time though, we did a role reversal. As some of you may remember, in the first episode I interviewed my Dad Joe Barca about his twitter poetry, but this time around he takes the mic and digs into my life as a new blogger.
Our 30 minute discussion touches on both the triumphs and challenges I’ve faced in my first year as a blogger as well as the origin of the project and my plans for it going forward.
In this segment you’ll get an inside peak into what it’s like to run a blog and also some hilarious laugh-out-loud moments caused by my Dad who does a great job facilitating.
Listen by clicking on the Play Button below or you can find me on your SoundCloud app directly under the alias @BrendanBarca.
Thanks for stopping by and let us know what you think!