by Brendan Barca | Aug 12, 2022 | Straddle The Line Blog
If you ask people what they value in their career, the’ll list things like growth, culture, money, and stability. But, too often we look at our careers as a separate element of our life rather than an element within our life. It’s like choosing to order...
by Brendan Barca | Aug 5, 2022 | Straddle The Line Blog
By Brendan Barca The Alcoholics Anonymous program has had a history of curing those with addictions. Throughout the world, it’s helped alcoholics, drug addicts, and compulsive gamblers turn their life around. One of the program’s famous slogans is...
by Brendan Barca | Jul 28, 2022 | Straddle The Line Blog
When I was in sales I made one mistake over and over again. I would complete tasks in order of immediacy rather than in order of importance. If a prospect emailed me asking for information, I would email them back instantly thinking I had done a job well done. But I...
by Brendan Barca | Jan 2, 2020 | Straddle The Line Blog
In my mid-twenties, a friend introduced me to the world of self-help and I quickly became enamored by it. I traded in my Hunger Games novels for The Law of Attraction and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. With each new book, I became...
by Brendan Barca | Nov 20, 2019 | Straddle The Line Blog
I’ve always been a productivity junkie. While other people get their high off drugs or gambling, I get mine off “doing things.” Even in my early twenties, when partying all weekend was the norm, I would find little pockets in the day to accomplish...
by Brendan Barca | Nov 7, 2019 | Straddle The Line Blog
Can you remember what was bothering you a year ago? A month ago? How about last Wednesday? I didn’t think so. If you can’t remember your problems back then, then what does that tell you about your problems now? It means that very soon they won’t matter at all. They...