A New Vision for Straddle The Line
July 28, 2017

Am I burnt out or at a turning point?  Have I failed or can I pivot? 

I write to you today with tired eyes and an uninspired mind.

The blog posts that used to flow so easily have become difficult and sometimes painful.  I’m not sure what’s happened.  I’m not sure what to do.

I spit out a post for Straddle the Line on Thursday night and cram for my newsletter Friday morning.  But I haven’t been doing it out of pleasure.  Not recently.

I do it out of discipline. I do it out of habit.

The truth is my motivation has wavered.  The inspiration that I felt last year when I started this blog has dried up lately.  But why? 


Do I still enjoy writing?  Yes. 

Do I still believe in my message?  Yes.

So, what’s missing? Why does blogging feel more like a chore than an exciting escape?

I think this feeling stems from a question that’s been circling in my mind recently.  A question that I always challenge you to ponder on this very blog:

Is what I’m doing now getting me closer to my ideal life?


In terms of blogging, right now I’m not so sure. 

While blogging has provided me with a platform for me to share ideas and an ability to inspire others, I’m not sure it provides what I need in my day-to-day.

I’m not sure I’m getting what I need out of it emotionally or psychologically.

There’s no direct human interaction.  There’s no immediate feedback. 

I write a post, then publish and promote it.  All I see is traffic numbers, email subscribers, and (some) affiliate payments.

Is this what I want?  To live behind a keyboard?   To live a solitary life?

No.  I never wanted that. 


So, what do I want?  What are the parts of Straddle the Line that I still enjoy?  What should be my focus as I move forward?

I have some ideas:


For one, I enjoy the community that this blog has created for me.  There have been people near and far who have contributed to my newsletter and commented on my posts.  There are people who have entered into my life and become friends solely because of this blog. 

I could focus on building on and connecting that community. 


I also enjoy the coaching that I’ve done through this blog, whether it’s helping someone find balance in their life or reach the next level in their career.  I love seeing them inch closer to their own ideal life.    And just as important, I enjoy the process. 

I could focus on crafting my coaching program and harnessing my skills.


I realize now as I reflect on the blog that part of what’s missing for me is face-to-face interaction.  In this increasingly digital world where most of our correspondence is over text and email, it’s hard to find meaningful in-person dialogue.  Maybe not all people need this type of exchange, but I’m realizing that I do.

In this ideal life that I’m striving towards, I see meaningful interactions as a daily occurrence.  In my ideal day I find that I’m simultaneously helping and learning from others.  This mutual exchange that I crave can’t be produced through blogging.


So going forward I’m going to be experimenting with ways to make the blog and the Straddle the Line community more interactive.  I want it to be a place where you don’t simply come for a bit of inspiration, but where you can use it as a vehicle to inspire others. 

I want to make it a place that encourages the core of the community to engage with and learn from each other.  I want to connect people who would benefit from each other’s skills, knowledge and friendship.

With this new model, I believe you’ll get the full benefit of Straddle the Line and I will revive my passion for this blog. 

In the coming months, you’ll see changes.  You’ll see improvements. 

I’m excited to show you what’s next.  




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