Hate Your Job? Don’t – Fired Up Friday: Week 78
May 2, 2018

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Career Tip:

Hate Your Job? Don’t. My first job out of college consisted of doing mindless data entry and taking inbound calls from angry clients. After about a nine months in this role, I started to become bitter. I began to question why I, a college educated graduate, was doing data entry. I felt like I was above this work. For the next six months I tried to get a promotion but was denied again and again. Slowly but surely I began to hate my job. Going into work each day felt toxic.

But looking back on this time period now, I can see my mistake. Who was I to hate this job? Only a year earlier I had been unemployed and living at my parent’s house. I should have been grateful that this job got me into corporate America and out on my own. Furthermore, what good does this feeling of hate do? None. If anything, it caused pain for me and for the people who had to work with me. Lastly, if I developed a hate for this job, who’s to say this mentality wouldn’t be transferred to my next job? I realize now that my happiness with my job is all in my head. The job remains the same. It is me who changes.


Life Hack:

Seek Feedback. No Matter How Much it Hurts. It’s easy to move through our modern world thinking that we’re doing everything well. As children we’d get trophies in youth soccer just for participating. We’d get a “B” on a paper that probably should’ve deserved a “C.” In our job we’re told by our manager how great we are even if there are fundamental problems with how we do our work. In America, we are full of fluff. We compliment people to their face and then critique them in our minds or behind their backs. This serves no one.

Because of this, it is essential for you to go out and seek honest feedback from people you can trust. If you want to be great, you have to be willing to accept that you’re doing things wrong and that there’s always room for improvement. And while criticism is difficult to handle sometimes, it’s essential to your progress. If no one corrects a mistake you’re making, you’ll continue to make it the rest of your life. Candid feedback is the key to unlocking a greater you. How will you seek feedback today?


Productivity Hack:

Tiago Forte – Productivity GuruIntroduced to me by fellow blogger, Mike Fishbein, Tiago Forte is a productivity guru who’s released countless toolkits, courses and articles on being more productive with your work so you can enjoy more of your life. Much of his content is for members only, but this article gives a glimpse into what Tiago has to offer. It dives into the specifics of Tiago’s “Workflow Toolkit” and how you can use each piece to save time at work. One tip from this article I love is finishing every working session with a clear milestone or deliverable. This will give you a tangible goal to work towards and a reward for your action.


Inspirational Video:

The Meaning by Jim Carrey“Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world… Risk being seen in all of your glory.” In this video, actor and comedian, Jim Carrey gives us a peak into the mentality that drove him to stardom. Jim reflects back on his career and sees that his ability to let go of his fears allowed him to create something that was bigger than himself. As the quote above alludes to, we often let society mold us into what’s acceptable rather than take the risk of being the person we want to be. Every time we take a step forward, someone is there to try to yank us back. Watch this video and you might get a piece of the courage you’ll need to take a leap forward down your true path.


Quote of the Week:

“I do not fix problems. I fix my thinking. Then the problems fix themselves” – Louise Hay


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