Most days I get lost in my own mind and forget how fortunate I am.
I get so caught up in trying to make my work have meaning. I get frustrated because I haven’t figured out a way to work for myself yet.
My dreams are taking longer than I’d like and I spend too many hours of the day lamenting this point.
I’m always looking forward and always yearning for more.
It’s this clouded mentality that prevents me from seeing how fortunate I’ve been.
Here I am… a white male in America with infinite opportunity. I received a college degree at Syracuse University and have had a rewarding career in finance and technology ever since. I’m loved by my family and have made friends near and far.
There’s always been food on the table for me and because of this I’ve never had to think about survival. My problems are self-induced. This mountain I’m trying to climb is one that I created myself.
In America, I feel that many of us suffer from this same issue. We forget to be grateful. We neglect to think about how things could be. We shield ourselves from how things really are in other parts of the world.
There are people struggling today. There are people who need to think about their next meal. You’ve seen it before on TV. You’ve read about it in the paper.
But it seems so far away. It seems that the problem is too massive. It seems there’s no hope.
Even if you do help, where do these donations actually go? Who’s getting the money? How do we know it will save a life?
These are questions I too have pondered. They’re part of the reason I’ve always hesitated in helping despite having the means.
But a few months ago, Straddle The Line member Bob Burrow showed me a new way to help. He showed me a way to help people whose lives are a daily struggle. He showed me a way to help true entrepreneurs who are building businesses because their lives and their family’s lives depend on it.
The website he showed me is called Kiva and it’s mission is to facilitate “loans that change lives.”
On the site you can lend as little as $25 to small businesses, entrepreneurs and communities all over the world. You get full transparency into who your lending to and what they need the money for. You can help a farmer raise money for tools in Sudan or a shoe maker buy shop materials in Ecuador.
When the loan is repaid you can either withdraw the money or donate to another person in need. The cycle is never-ending and the change is real.
Join the Straddle The Line Lending Team
I bring this up in today’s post because I created a lending team on Kiva for the Straddle The Line community and would love for you to join me. At Straddle The Line, we are a group of people who are trying to find passion in our work and purpose in our lives. This is one small way to find that purpose.
I have started off by lending money to a woman named Firuza. She is from Tajikistan where the average annual income is only $2,700. Firuza owns a small bakery that supports her entire family and needs help buying flour. The living conditions where she lives are very poor and we can help to make ends meet. Read more about Firuza’s story here.
Even if you don’t have a way to lend money today, it would still be a huge help if you join our team to show support and lend when it makes the most sense for you. From time to time I’ll do different promotions through the blog that will make lending fun and easy.
Will you join me on this mission to lend to save lives?
Use this link to join the team and start lending today.
I thank all of you for your considerations in joining me in this effort and I thank Bob for sharing this site with me.
This is a simple way to show your support for Straddle The Line and a small way to make a big difference in the lives of entrepreneurs and small business owners around the world. It’s acts of support like these that can help you find meaning in your life through the service of others.