Sample Newsletter: Fired Up Fridays
October 19, 2016

Fired Up Friday: Week 1 

Here is your weekly dose of Fired Up Friday, the weekly newsletter from Straddle The Line where I share my top ideas, inspirations and resources.  Thanks and Enjoy!

Quote of the Week: 
“If you’re going to risk and maybe fail, fail at something that matters.  Fail gloriously so that even in failure, lives change.” – Jon Acuff (NY Times Bestselling Author of Do Over)

Blog Article of the Week: 

I Want to Quit. Right Now by Jon Westenerg. Jon takes us deep into his doubts as an entrepreneur and why he’s wanted to quit a million times.  But in the end, he explains why it’s all worth it.



Podcast Episode of the Week: 

Drunk Dialing with Tim Ferriss. In this episode Tim drunk dials listeners and answers a question of their choice.  Despite the effects of the gin he’s drinking, Tim still delivers countless value and principles for you to lead your life by.



Book Recommendation: 

Think and Grow Rich.  As crazy as the title might sound, this book is completely worth reading.  Published in 1937, it has stood the test of time and will teach you the keys to finding success.



Side Hustle Idea (Ways to earn cash):


Vayable.  This is a website I found where you can sign up to host “experiences” for tourists in the city you live in.  I actually signed up and you can see my profile through the link!  Really easy and maybe profitable someday!


Favorite New App: 


One Big Thing.  VERY Simple productivity app that will help you accomplish your biggest goal each and every day.  I love it and highly recommend checking it out in your app store.





Passion Finder Exercise: 
Values + Virtues + Gifts = Your Calling.  I may have sent this to some of you already but I cannot emphasize the importance of this exercise.  Write it down.  Study it.  Learn from it.
Motivational Song:

Picture of the Week:

That’s it!  Please sign up using the form at the top and tell anyone else you know who might like it!  Also let me know if you have any questions or feedback.




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