by Brendan Barca | Jan 25, 2017 | Millennial Musings
In the moment, you’ll never know if the decision you’ve made is the right one. Either way you’ll have your doubts. Either way you’ll have your regrets. So which path to choose? Which way to turn? It will never be black and white. The line will seem blurred. So you...
by Brendan Barca | Dec 29, 2016 | Personal Development
Ready to flip the page on 2018 and begin 2019 with a clean slate and a new state of mind? Luckily, finding inspiration and creating change in your life doesn’t have to mean traveling half way across the world to meditate in Thailand (although if you can,...
by Brendan Barca | Nov 10, 2016 | Personal Development
I’m not good enough. I have nothing to offer. It’s all been done before. Self-doubt. What if I fail? What if I mess up? What if people see me struggle? Fear. I’m too tired. I’ll do it tomorrow. It can wait. Deferment. Maybe I’ll go left. Maybe I’ll go right. Maybe I...
by Brendan Barca | Sep 24, 2016 | Personal Development
Do you ever feel stuck? Ever feel like your life doesn’t have a defined direction? Are there answers out there that seem to allude you? Today on the blog I give you 18 ways to help you get un-stuck, find a direction and find those answers....
by Brendan Barca | Sep 14, 2016 | Millennial Musings
How often do you get to glimpse into someone else’s mind? Well today, my mind is all yours… I’ll be running an experiment similar to that of my earlier blog post, Hungover: The Stream of Consciousness Experiment, where I blogged while...